Into the Woods
University of Idaho
Scenic Design by: Megan Hilton
Composer: Stephen Sondheim
Playwright: James Lapine
Lyricist: Stephen Sondheim
Directed by: David Lee Painter
Assistant Directed by: Carly McMinn
Music Directed by: Dan Poppin
Choreographer: Chaz Wolcot
Lighting and Pro Design by: Aaron Spivey
Costume Design by: Jeannie Galioto
Props Design by: Kalyssa Montoya & Harry Blackstone
Technical Direction by: Michael Brandt

Back Drop Paint Elevation

Into the Woods by Stephen Sondheim and James Lapin (29 April 2022) is a story about the many journeys we take through life and that they may be different we will always end up with someone by our side.
The design of this show reflects a modern take on the pathways we take on our journey through life. We wanted to give this show a modern, but still timeless take on a story that is always relevant. We start out in a park that our Narrator is trying to navigate to get to a donation center. He carries these items that have been in his father’s home for some time. When the box breaks, we see the cape, slippers, hair, scarf, a sweater, and a leather-bound journal. The ghosts of the past approach in hopes that their story will finally be told. When the Narrator says, “Once upon a time…” we see this park begin to transform into a different world where Cinderella, the Bake and his Wife, and Jack live. The overpass from the freeway and the city in the distance is still there but vagally. The magic from this story is transforming it. We still have trees that are there, but as we make our way through the different parts of this world there are projections designed by the lighting designer that bring us to many different places in the woods.